The beginnings:
The Beginnings:
In Spring of 2000 a team called Henry County U6 Rockets played in the Henry County Soccer Association's recreational league. Their former coach Calvin Miller had resigned just recently. Due to his international travel commitments he was not able to coach the team anymore. Persuaded by Calvin and other parents Juergen Mauer stepped in. He was not just another parent coach. He brought in great experience from his playing and coaching career in Germany.
Under his guidance the "Rockets" became HC Real a name the boys choose to document their passion and their dreams maybe sometime to be as good as their idols from famous Real Madrid. Ultimately HC Real evolved into a cristallization point for the Thunder 96 of the Academy years.  
Henry County HC Real U7,
Finalist Cherokee.Kickoff Classic 2003 
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The Beginnings
The Academy years
The Select years